Men and women in their senior years generally require more specialized oral care than their younger counterparts, due largely to complications associated with their aging bodies. Some of the most common of these are arthritis and osteoporosis, which can cause issues with your teeth and jawbone. In addition, decades of gradual wear to teeth and gums can result in uneven surfaces, a receding gum line and even tooth loss. Dental Implants
Tooth loss is a common occurrence in senior patients. As the bones and tissue of the mouth degenerate over time, teeth become loose and may drift from their proper position. Gaps form and the structural integrity of tooth formations are compromised.
Implants are the strongest and longest-lasting options for people of all ages and provide a particularly substantial advantage for older people. The ability to speak normally and eat foods that would otherwise be restricted becomes increasingly more important as they age. The confidence that accompanies a healthy, complete smile is often critical to mood and self-esteem as well.
Dental Bonding
For a variety of reasons, the production of saliva decreases as we age. The most common of these reasons are rooted in side effects of medications and natural degeneration of the glands that produce the saliva itself. Without the buffer of saliva that serves to protect tooth surfaces from acid wear, teeth are more susceptible to erosion and decay.
Restorative bonding can drastically improve the appearance of teeth and the smile as a whole. Composite materials are used to fix eroded and decayed teeth, to fill in gaps between teeth, correct discoloration and repair minor fractures in the enamel. The result is a stronger, more esthetically pleasing smile that can last for years when proper oral hygiene practices are observed.
We can help you achieve your ideal smile, even when the effects of time and normal wear have been visible for years. Please contact Maple Avenue Family Dentistry for a consultation today at 401-247-2200.