dental implants Providence

What Exactly Are Dental Implants?

MODERN DENTISTRY IS incredible, including the modern dental implants we offer our patients in Providence. Tooth decay, accidents, and injuries that once would have left someone with a gap in their smile that they could never fill can now be treated so that everything looks and works about as good as new. In many cases,…

dental implants in warren

What Are My Options for Dental Implants in Warren

Dental Implants in Warren | Maple Avenue Family Dentistry Implant dentistry can improve your smile’s health, function, and appearance by providing replacement teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth.  Dental implants are by far the best option for tooth replacement. They can prevent the jawbone from deteriorating, stop remaining teeth from shifting, securely…

Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?

If you are suffering from tooth loss, dental implants may be a solution for you! Here at Maple Avenue Family Dentistry, we think it is imperative our patients know what makes a good candidate for dental implants. Most individuals suffering from tooth loss are good candidates for dental implants. Importantly, good candidates have healthy gums…